Q: How do I apply for a Corporate Card?
A: Please check with your organization's Program Manager to see if you are eligible to receive a Diners Club Corporate Card. If your organization has an established Diners Club program and you are eligible to receive a Card, your Program Manager will supply you with a Corporate Card application or will submit one on your behalf.
Q: My organization does not have a formal Diners Club Corporate Card program. Am I free to choose any card for my business expenses? Am I still eligible for a Corporate Card?
A: You are eligible to apply for a Corporate Card if your organization has an established program with Diners Club and approves your participation in the program.
Q: Where can I find an ATM that accepts the Diners Club Card?
A: Diners Club offers cash access at ATMs around the world that display the MasterCard family of brands. To locate participating ATMs visit mastercard.com for the ATM Locator.
Cash access is subject to local availability, terms and conditions and is subject to the service provider obtaining authorization from Diners Club. Consult with your Program Manager to determine if your organization authorizes participation. Cardmember must be enrolled in Club Cash® to access cash.
Q: Is there a transaction fee for ATM cash advance withdrawals? Is that fee reimbursable by my employer?
A: Each time you use your card to obtain cash from an ATM, a transaction fee will be assessed and billed in your billing statement. The transaction fee is an amount set in the contract(s) between Diners Club and your organization and will be provided to you in your ATM pricing information. Contact your organization's Program Manager for details.
Q: How do I get a PIN to withdraw cash from an ATM?
A: Contact Cardmember Customer Service at 1-800-2DINERS (1-800-234-6377) to obtain a PIN for cash access at ATMs worldwide that display the MasterCard family of brands. For security purposes, Diners Club will not keep a record of your PIN, so if you lose or forget it, contact us and a new one will be issued to you.
Q: What should I do if I forget my PIN or it doesn't work?
A: Please call 1-800-2DINERS (1-800-234-6377) or from outside the U.S. call collect at 514-881-3735.
Q: Are there fees or interest charges if I do not pay on time?
A: Please check the Diners Club Corporate Card Cardmember Agreement that came with your card for the late fees and delinquency charges that apply to your Corporate Card program. Fees may vary by organization. For further detail, contact your organization's Program Manager or contact Cardmember Customer Service at 1-800-2DINERS (1-800-234-6377).
Q: How do I make a payment on my Card?
A: You have several options to pay your bill. For details please refer to Contact Us.
Q: How can I tell when my payment is due? A: The top of your Online Statement will show a "Payment Due Date." Your payment must be received and posted to your Account by 5 p.m. (ET) on that date.
Q: Can I get an email alert when my payment is coming due or when a new statement is available? A: Yes. You can receive email notification regarding your account information by signing up for alerts in Secure e-Account Manager. Learn more.
Q: How do I dispute a charge?
A: Transactions can be disputed by phone or directly from your online statement. Enter the necessary information and submit the form. Your inquiry is sent directly to our Customer Service Research Department. It usually takes from 45 to 60 days to research a dispute. You can also contact Customer Service at 1-800-2DINERS (1-800-234-6377).
Q: What should I do if I cannot identify a charge on my statement?
A: If you cannot identify a particular charge you should submit a billing inquiry. Next to each charge on your online statement there will be a "dispute" link. Select this option to view a form requesting information about the disputed charge. Enter the necessary information and submit the form. Your inquiry is sent directly to our Customer Service Research Department. It usually takes from 45 to 60 days to research a dispute. You can also contact Customer Service at 1-800-2DINERS (1-800-234-6377).
Q: What do I do if my payment isn't reflected on my statement?
A: Allow 7–10 days from the date the payment was mailed. If the payment is not posted to your account in that timeframe, call 1-800-2DINERS (1-800-234-6377) or use the Billing Inquiry form to contact us.
Q: What should I do if I've received my statement, but haven't yet been reimbursed by my employer for my expenses?
A: Your payment is due to Diners Club by the date indicated on your statement. Diners Club cannot forgive late payments caused by a delay in reimbursement by your employer. Some organizations offer the ability for payments to be made directly to Diners Club (by the organization) for approved charges. Check with your Program Manager for details.
Q: What is Electronic Travel Reimbursement?
A: Electronic Travel Reimbursement (ETR) is an automated service that enables your employer to pay approved charges directly to Diners Club on your behalf. In addition, approved out-of-pocket expenses may be reimbursed directly to your bank account. Consult with your Program Manager to determine if your organization offers this program.
Q: Is there a way for my Diners Club expenses to be paid through funds transfer, like payroll?
A: Consult with your Program Manager to determine if your organization offers this program. Otherwise, you have several payment options, including by mail, online or by phone at 1-800-2DINERS (1-800-234-6377).
Q: How do I report a lost or stolen card?
A: Immediately call Cardmember Customer Service at 1-800-2DINERS (1-800-234-6377) in the U.S. or call collect at 514-881-3735 from outside the United States.
Q: How long will it take to receive a new card?
A: You will typically receive a new card within 7–10 days. If a new card is needed sooner, please contact Cardmember Customer Service at 1-800-2DINERS (1-800-234-6377).
Q: What if there are unauthorized charges on my lost or stolen card?
A: Call Cardmember Customer Service at 1-800-2DINERS (1-800-234-6377) to block future charges. You will not be responsible for unauthorized charges that occur after you have notified Diners Club of the loss, theft or possible unauthorized use of your card. In any case, your liability will not exceed $50. You may be liable if the card is used by an unauthorized person.
Q: Where can I get more information about chip technology?
A: For more information please visit bmo.com/chip.
Q: What should I do if I forget my PIN and I'm about to travel abroad?
A: Contact Cardmember Customer Service at 1-800-2DINERS, we will reset you PIN and direct you to visit a chip-enabled ATM to select a new PIN once you reach your destination abroad.
Q: What do I need to do to activate my card?
A: Call to activate your card using the phone number provided on the sticker attached to the card.
Q: I don't always have access to the Internet when I travel. How can I check my current account balance in these cases?
A: Call the Automated Services Line at 1-800-729-5309, have your 16-digit account number ready, and follow the voice prompts. For your protection, you will be prompted to enter account security information. If you need to speak to a Customer Service Representative, call 1-800-2DINERS (1-800-234-6377) within the U.S. or outside the U.S. call collect at 514-881-3735.
Q: What kind of information can I access on the Diners Club Automated Services Line?
A: You can quickly obtain up-to-date information on your Diners Club Card account, including current account balance, the amount and date your last payment was received, and payment mailing instructions, including the regular payment address and an express payment address.
Q: I am leaving my organization. How do I cancel my Corporate Card?
A: Please check with your organization's Program Manager for card cancellation procedures. Alternatively, call Cardmember Customer Service at 1-800-2DINERS (1-800-234-6377).
Q: Is it possible to link a Diners Club Professional Card to my Corporate Card so that I can build a single Club Rewards point balance?
A: Corporate Cardmembers can pool their points to their Professional Card and redeem provided the Cardmember name and date of birth match. Points cannot be pooled from the Professional Card to the Corporate Account.
Q: Will the activity on my Corporate Card be reflected in my personal credit file?
A: Diners Club may ask credit reporting agencies for reports of my credit history. Upon request, Diners Club will tell me whether a report was requested, and if so, the name and address of any reporting agency that furnished a report. Diners Club may report information about my Account to credit bureaus. Late payments, missed payments, or other defaults on my Account may be reflected in my credit report. If I think Diners Club reported inaccurate information to a credit reporting agency, I should write to Diners Club at the Customer Service address listed on the statement.
Q: Where can I find a listing of Diners Club International airport lounges and locations?
A: Diners Club offers access to an extensive list of international airport lounges in major airports and key cities around the world. View our Airport Lounge Directory for more information and updates about Diners Club airport lounges, including a listing of locations.
Q: Is there a fee to access a Diners Club International airport lounge? Can I bring a guest?
A: Access to most of our airport lounges is free to Diners Club Cardmembers, however some locations may require a fee for cardmembers or any guests. If you have any questions, please contact Diners Club Customer Service at 1-800-2DINERS (1-800-234-6377).
Q: What amenities are available in the Diners Club International airport lounges?
A: Please access Airport Lounge for an up-to-date list of amenities specific to each airport.
Q: What is MasterAssist?
A: MasterAssist is a travel emergency service available through Diners Club. Our team is on duty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to provide immediate attention and follow-through to referrals for your pre-trip and emergency medical, legal and travel needs.
With this service you'll enjoy peace of mind knowing that emergency assistance is available anywhere in the world. Whether you lose a passport, need a doctor or discover that your wallet has been stolen, help is just a phone call away at 1-800-MC-ASSIST (1-800-622-7747)or from outside the U.S. call collect at 636-722-7111 or en Español: 1-800-633-4466.
Q: Do I have to enroll in MasterAssist?
A: No, MasterAssist is a free service automatically provided to you as a Diners Club Cardmember.
Q: Who can I contact if I need help while I'm on a trip?
A: Contact the Diners Club Benefits Assistance Center toll-free at 1-800-MC-ASSIST (1-800-622-7747)or from outside the U.S. call collect at 636-722-7111 or en Español: 1-800-633-4466. Our Assistance team is on duty internationally, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Q: What should I do if I've lost my plane tickets or other key travel documents?
A: Contact the Diners Club Benefits Assistance Center toll-free at 1-800-MC-ASSIST (1-800-622-7747) or from outside the U.S. call collect at 636-722-7111 or en Español: 1-800-633-4466. Our Assistance team is on duty internationally, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Q: Does Diners Club guarantee my hotel reservation?
A: When you book your accommodations with the Diners Club Card, your reservations are guaranteed. You're assured that your hotel room will be waiting – no matter how late you arrive. Remember to cancel your reservations if plans change.